Rouge Spa & Salon
Healthiest Sleeping Positions

Healthiest Sleeping Positions

Healthiest Sleeping Positions

Your most loved sleeping pose could be giving you back and neck pain, stomach problems, even premature wrinkles. Discover the best sleeping position for your body- plus the one you may want to avoid.

GOOD: Sleeping on the back

Prevents neck & back pain: by maintaining a neutral position for head, neck, and spine

Reduces acid reflux: by keeping your head elevated below your stomach.

Minimizes wrinkles: as in you don’t have anything pushing against your face

Bad for: snoring

Your perfect pillow: 1 puffy pillow. To keep your head and neck supported without propping your head up too much.

OK: Sleeping on the side

Bad for: face and breasts. Constant smashing of the face from one side and sagging breasts is prominent.

Reduces snoring: by elongating your spine

Reduces acid reflux: by keeping your head elevated above your stomach

Useful during pregnancy: sleeping on the left side is ideal for blood flow

Your perfect pillow: 1 thick one. To fill the space above your shoulder so your head and neck are supported in neutral position.

BAD: fetal position

Increases arthritic pain: knees are bent for a long time during the night with bad neck and spine posture

Restricts diaphragmatic breathing

Premature facial wrinkles: too much stress on the face and breasts

Useful during pregnancy

Your perfect pillow: 1 thick one. To fill the space above your shoulder so your head and neck are supported in neutral position

AVOID: sleeping on the stomach

Difficult to maintain a neutral spine

Puts pressure on the joints and muscles: which can irritate nerves and leads to pain, numbness, & tingling

Constant incorrect head position may lead to aching:

Keeping the face down keeps your upper airways more open: So if you snore and are suffering from neck or back pain, its fine to try sleeping on your belly

Your perfect pillow: 1 thin one or none at all

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